
Spell check in Kerio Connect Client for Windows and Mac Print

  • 6


New in Kerio Connect Client 9.2.1!

Kerio Connect Client for Windows and Mac now automatically checks your spelling when you write any text.

The supported languages differ according to your operating system.

For supported operating systems, see the End-user tab on the Technical specifications page.


Microsoft Windows 7 does not include the spell check.

Microsoft Windows

On Windows, you can use any installed language for spellchecking.

Kerio Connect Client then uses a language according to your selected keyboard.


The macOS operating system has a predefined list of supported languages for spell check.

To see the list of these languages, go to the System preferences > Keyboard > Text > Spelling drop down list.

Kerio Connect Client then uses a language according to your selected keyboard.


The list of languages for spell check may differ from the list of all languages installed on your system.

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