It’s imperative that businesses make file transfer security a high priority these days. In the absence of strong data protection measures, businesses in every industry run the danger of having their data lost, stolen, or otherwise made public. Any one of these occurrences has the potential to cause significant harm in a variety of different ways.
Even while there is widespread awareness of the significance of data security, many businesses still fail to make this a priority when selecting and putting into practice solutions for file sharing. Although ensuring the safety of data transfers should be a primary concern for all types of businesses, this goal is seldom realized.
TechTarget talks more about file transfer security in depth.
Here are five important reasons why file transfer security solutions should be a priority for any organization, which should serve as a reminder of the significance of data security when it comes to the exchange of files:
1. Data’s expanding value
The value of data has significantly increased over the past few years, which is perhaps the single most important reason for enterprises to prioritize data security while developing solutions for file transmission. It should come as no surprise that knowledge has always been an essential component of commercial success.
On the other hand, this tendency has been considerably accelerated by the advent of big data analytics, business intelligence (BI), and related information technology services. More data varieties than ever are providing companies with opportunities to get insights and, as a result, value. In addition, there is more data available now than at any other time in history, and the rate at which new data is being produced is not showing any signs of slowing down.
Because of all of these factors, companies now have access to a greater quantity of data than they ever have before, as well as higher-quality data. As a consequence of this, this information needs to be safeguarded just like any other asset. After all, the value of data is not restricted to the organization that possesses it. On the other hand, data has become an increasingly appealing target for cybercriminals and other harmful groups, further emphasizing the necessity of effective data protection.
2. Data-driven cultures
In connection with the previous point, the fact that the value of data is continuing to rise has prompted a growing number of businesses to foster the growth of data-driven cultures inside their own organizations. Because making decisions based on empirical evidence rather than conjecture or gut feeling often produces noticeably superior outcomes, employees in every division are being incentivized to base their work decisions more frequently on empirical evidence rather than on assumptions or intuition.
It is essential for employees to routinely send, receive, and access a significant quantity and variety of information in order to realize such a culture in the workplace. Because of this, the likelihood of any particular piece of data being stolen or disclosed significantly increases. In the absence of file transfer security solutions, employees will be unable to access the information they require to carry out their work responsibilities productively and fruitfully possible.
3. Transit vulnerabilities
The fact that data in motion is often more vulnerable than data at rest is another thing that emphasizes how important it is to have secure file transfers. The stored information can be kept safe behind the company’s firewall and within servers and networks that are password-protected. Even though this is true to a certain extent when it comes to the sharing of files within an organization, even these messages have the potential to be compromised if dedicated methods for secure file transfer are not adopted.
When these mechanisms are in place, not only may information that is kept become more secure, but also data transfers.
4. Precautionary measures equaling one ounce
A company would be smart to invest in file transfer security solutions for a number of important reasons, one of which is the fact that it is far more cost-effective to spend the money required to prevent a data breach than it is to pay for the consequences of such occurrences. Data breaches may easily cost tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, or even millions of dollars, depending on the magnitude of the breach and the type of information that was stolen or disclosed. This is something that countless businesses have found out the hard way.
Organizations that have violated their intellectual property have paid for these instances by losing significant competitive edges in their respective industries. On the other hand, numerous other businesses have been punished for failing to protect sensitive customer data.
In addition, a company that has a data breach will probably find that its reputation suffers as a result of the incident. This will not only make it more difficult to bring in new customers, but it will also erode the loyalty of existing customers.
Although organizations must make an initial financial commitment to utilizing secure file transfer solutions, the size of these investments is negligible compared to the potential losses that can be prevented.
5. Contentment of the mind
The last but certainly not least reason why businesses should seriously consider making an investment in high-quality, secure file transfer solutions is that doing so will provide them with a piece of mind. Because those in charge of businesses and those who work in information technology have so many problems to solve and responsibilities to fulfill, any preventative measure that can lessen the amount of stress and anxiety they feel ought to be regarded as a valuable commodity.
The ability of these employees to direct their attention and efforts toward more mission-critical areas is made possible by increasing the security of file transfer.
Sharing files in a secure environment should not be used as an excuse for businesses to relax their security measures. On the other hand, it is a method for lowering risk while simultaneously raising productivity.
Do not put your files or your company’s security at risk; SyncBox offers safe file sync and sharing together with always-on backup, which means that your endpoint devices and file-sharing service, including both PCs and Macs, are continuously backed up.