There is no doubt that cybercrime is increasing rapidly, and many small and mid-sized businesses are extremely susceptible to online threats because of ineffective cybersecurity. With ransomware, phishing attacks and e-fencing on the rise, the importance of online security tools for your business is greater than ever. However, many small and medium-sized business owners are not taking this threat seriously.
Did you know that there is a widespread misconception that cyber criminals, such as hackers, only hit large companies? However, in 2015 alone, 43% of cyberattacks targeted small organizations. IT security solutions are important for businesses of all types and sizes. This is especially true when you consider how crucial the internet and your various digital systems are to your daily operations.
Security Breaches: Analytical Data Doesn’t Lie
As record numbers of hacking and phishing attacks are adversely affecting businesses of all sizes, you should be aware of the dangers posed and ready to invest in the resources required to keep your business secure against cybercriminals. Did you know that websites get hacked every day? According to some estimates, between 30 000 and 50 000 websites are hacked every day, which is a cause for concern. And only 14% of small businesses rate their ability to counter or mitigate cyber risks as highly effective, despite this looming danger. This indicates that too many small and mid-sized business owners are leaving their businesses susceptible to security threats, such as phishing attacks.
According to the 2019 Data Risk Report, businesses still keep thousands of sensitive files and documents unprotected and open for anybody inside the organization to access. Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) is one of the most respected publications when it comes to cybersecurity. The report analyzed more than 150,000 security incidents and provided a comprehensive and in-depth analysis covering the 3950 breaches and 32,002 incidents.
The report revealed that almost half (45%) of the security breaches involved hacking. And, it is worth noting that a majority of these breaches have been perpetrated by various external actors, reinforcing the notion that a value chain is often present behind all hacking attempts.
From Firewall to Anti-Virus Software: The Tools You Need for CyberSecurity
You may make the mistake of assuming that a firewall is obsolete, given how hackers and cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated. However, keep in mind that a firewall is the foundation of security tools, and it is one of the most important tools in your security arsenal.
A network firewall, in its simplest form, scans network packets and then either allows or blocks them based upon rules the administrator has defined. Despite some limitations, note that firewalls are still extremely effective in detecting and averting a majority of less sophisticated malicious attacks that can harm your business.
Antivirus Software
You should have both a robust firewall and updated antivirus software in place to keep your system secure. In 2020, both antivirus software and firewall are vital elements of your cybersecurity tools. Antivirus software is designed to continuously scan all the computers in a network for any potentially harmful or suspicious software that’s trying to find its way onto your network.
iSecure is a comprehensive security suite that consists of antivirus, and anti-spam software to protect your small or mid-sized business against cybercrimes and threats. The security suite is also effective against malicious emails and phishing attacks.
VPN for Added Security
Although antivirus, firewalls and anti-malware products help protect the computer, unfortunately, they can’t guarantee the safety of the networks your computers are accessing. Cybercriminals can intercept sensitive information. For additional cybersecurity, it is important to consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) on your device. A VPN is important as it creates an encrypted and safe connection to a third-party server. As a result, all your internet traffic is securely routed through that server.
Maintain Your Business Reputation
One of the most significant current threats to your company’s reputation is data breaches. Keep in mind that your business is expected to protect your clients’ personal data. As a result, a cybersecurity incident can negatively affect public sentiment for your organization.
Did you know that there are more than 1.5 billion websites on the World Wide Web today? Also, note that people rely on various search engines, such as Google and Bing, when they would like to get information on those websites. Hence, search engine optimization is now more important than in the past. Also, it is essential for all webmasters to understand the meaning and significance of SEO and the potential it can offer for your small business.
However, the sad reality is that, due to a hacked site, customers lose trust, and therefore it leads to company reputation loss. While one security breach can be forgivable, two can cause concern. And three is rarely acceptable and will cause many stakeholders, such as investors, to re-evaluate their relationship with your business deeply.
For customers, this can mean switching to competitors, and for investors, it means divestment. Protect your company’s reputation by using a comprehensive security solution, such as iSecure.
The Cobweb of Modern Hackers
Almost every business now has a website and note that externally exposed systems could provide cyber criminals with entry points into your internal networks. And, it is worth noting that hackers usually have a lot to gain from perpetrating data breaches. Ironically, even Deloitte, the world’s largest cybersecurity consultant, was itself affected by an attack in 2017.
With highly sophisticated and advanced attacks now commonplace, businesses have to assume that they will likely be breached at some point. This is why it is essential to implement controls that help you detect and respond to hacking attempts and malicious activity before it causes severe damage and disruption to your business.
Your Business Should be CyberSecurity Compliant
Internal IT and cybersecurity compliance refers to how well your employees adhere to the security policies and technology use guidelines you have in place. This includes avoiding sites that are restricted and following all the rules about what kind of information can be shared over email.
These measures go a long way towards data breach prevention. However, note that cybersecurity compliance is not based on one stand-alone standard and/or regulation. Different standards can overlap, depending on the industry your business operates in.
For instance, the healthcare industry has to meet the compliance requirements of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA); however, if a healthcare provider also accepts payments via a POS (point-of-service) device, then it also has to meet Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requirements. And that is not all; as compliance requirements tend to shift considerably from control-based to risk-based, the overall landscape of cybersecurity compliance shifts as well.
iSecure Email Security is a Compact Solution
iSecure is an effective solution that will help you combat hackers, malicious emails, manage risks, and maintain compliance with amazing services that include encryption, email security, threat management, and content filtering.
Cyber threats are now growing at an alarming rate. As the consequences and implications of a successful breach are very severe, securing your IT resources and assets
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